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Communities are the structural and relational heart of our church.
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About Redeemer
We are a community that invites people to live in the kingdom of God by practicing the way of Jesus.
Meet the Leaders
Redeemer Church operates under the leadership of elders and deacons.
At Redeemer we practice a liturgy that is rooted in the historical practice of the Christian Church. Liturgy simply means “the work of the people” and refers to the way that individual components of a worship service are arranged.
The service is shaped into four sections; Gathering, Word, Table, and Sending. These sections reflect the shape of the gospel itself, which means that each service is a rehearsal of the redemptive story that God is working in the world. The way we worship shapes what we believe and how we live, so we are very intentional about how we structure our worship services.
Frequently Asked Questions
Redeemer is a gospel-centered community of faithful presence. We want to see lives of people all over South Charlotte shaped by the amazing true story of how God is redeeming the world through Jesus.
We are a non-denominational church in the reformed protestant tradition. We share various beliefs and practices with Baptists, Presbyterians, and Anglicans.
We are members of Harbor Networkwork, a multi-denominational church planting network of about 100 churches.
Redeemer is led by a team of elders. Church ministries—including Kids, Communities, and Hospitality—are led by deacons.
Redeemer began as a project of Carmel Baptist Church in early 2018, led by Josh Fairbaugh, who was at that time Carmel’s Connections Pastor. By the summer of 2018, he was joined by Carmel’s then-Worship Pastor, Lem LeRoy. Throughout the remainder of 2018, Josh and Lem worked to develop vision & infrastructure while building a launch team. About 30 families eventually joined the team and began meeting as a community on Sunday evenings in mid-2019 for fellowship and teaching. Redeemer began holding regular services on September 15, 2019.
Redeemer Communities provide a hospitable environment for relational and spiritual growth. Although most groups meet at a regular time and place, our community groups are like small spiritual families, not simply an event. We eat together, do life together, pray together, build one another up together, and serve our community together. Learn more at our Communities page.
The best and most important way to be involved is through connection to a Community. We believe that relationships are the most important aspect of participating in a church. Once you have been invited to a Community, we would love to hear about your unique passions and gifts and talk about how you can use them to serve the Redeemer family.
Visit Us
Sundays at 10am
Socrates Academy
3909 Weddington Road
Matthews, NC 28104