
Current series:

Hunger is the most basic and universal human experience. Infants emerge from the womb crying out in hunger. Our daily lives are organized around satisfying our hunger. A large part of each paycheck is set aside to ensure we don’t go hungry. People all over the world beg, steal, and kill for food.

We are hungry people.

The season of Lent is an invitation to pay attention to hunger. If left unexamined, our hungers will blindly drive us toward devastating consequences. But when we become aware of our hungers, through prayer, fasting, and giving, we can let go of that which cannot satisfy and instead drink from the well that will never run dry.

All Who Are Hungry is an examination of our hungers—our deepest desires and longings—meant to reorient our hearts towards sources of life.

Download the Lent Practice Guide!

Dive deeper and discover your hungers this Lenten season with the All Who Are Hungry practice guide. Includes weekly scripture readings, reflections, lectio divina, visio divina, and more.

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