Redeemer Kids
Spiritual formation starts early. Redeemer Kids is here to help.
For babies and toddlers we have childcare available for the duration of the service. These rooms are staffed by pre-screened and trained volunteers from within our congregation.
We typically give these children a snack during the service (pretzels, cereal, etc.). If your child has a food allergy, feel free to pack a snack and we will accommodate their food needs!
Our class for preschool children (ages 3-5) is open during the entire service. This class is staffed by volunteers from within our church who have been pre-screened and trained to serve. We currently utilize a curriculum from Dwell to provide lessons for children in this class.
Children ages 5 and up participate with their parents and older siblings in the worship service. During the sermon portion of the service, we offer classes for these elementary-aged children to learn on their level, using the Life with God curriculum from Lacy Finn Borgo. These children may leave during the passing of the peace and re-enter during the offering or song after the sermon. Of course, if you (or your children) prefer, they are more than welcome to stay in the service for the entire sermon.